Angela / / midnight
30+ | She/Her | Ace | MN, USA
Character: Loumont Lothaire
Server: Famfrit, Primal DC
PLD / DRGEmpyreum, Ward 19, Plot 26
Sainted Dawn Free Company
Loumont Lothaire

- Age: Thirty summers, approx.
- Birthday: 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
- Race: Elezen (Wildwood, Ishgardian)
- Gender: Male
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Marital Status: NPC ship, OC ship (closed, but non-canon RP is okay)
- Tarot: The Hanged Man
- Profession: Adventurer, free paladin, knight errant, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, petter of chocobos
- Hobbies: Armorcraft, exploring, chocobo racing (as an enthusiast)
- Languages: Eorzean Common, any further understanding is due to the Echo
- Residence: A moderately sized house in Ishgard, inn rooms everywhere else
- Birthplace: Gridania
- Religion: Former believer in the Twelve, now agnostic after facing hardship and learning the true nature of many “gods”
- Patron Deity: Halone, the Fury
- Fears: Abandonment, failure, overindulgence, himself
- Hair: Black with subdued purple highlights, jaw length, spilling somewhat haphazardly down one side of his face and around those long ears
- Eyes: Medium violet
- Height: Approximately 7 fulms
- Build: Athletic, defined musculature
- Distinguishing Marks: Facial hair, cuffs on both ears
- Common Accessories: Jewelry and a kite shield adorned with the heraldry of House Fortemps, golden Paladin crown
A well-meaning heart, and more approachable than his world-weary expression would have one believe. Though often a lone wolf and keeping to himself, he is friendly toward his fellow adventurers and will encourage cooperation as opposed to competition. Friendly sparring matches are a fun exception. He is prone to loneliness and will stick close to anyone who shows him affection, like some sort of 7-fulm-tall sword-wielding puppy. He will deny ever doing this.He has a level of concern for appearances and will try his best to maintain his dignity, but easily loosens up in friendly company. He becomes protective, almost to a fault, of the people close to him.He aspires to be like the knights of legend: infallible and fearless in stalwart defense of those who cannot defend themselves. To suffer so others are spared. To be someone his mother would have been proud of. These are the oaths he’s sworn to himself.Carrying a shield emblazoned with a crimson unicorn is a constant reminder to be the hero a certain someone very close to him thought of him as.
- Ships: G'raha Tia
- Children: None
- Parents: Jeanette Dawnbright (deceased), Bartreaux Lothaire (fate unknown, likely deceased)
- Siblings: None
- Other Relatives: If he has any, they wanted nothing to do with him. Tends to form familial bonds with close friends.
- Pets: Often accompanied by his loyal steed: Eclipse, the white chocobo, as well as Hati the hoarhound pup, the rambunctious troublemaker of the group.

- Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
- Disorganized / In Between / Organized
- Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
- Calm / In Between / Anxious
- Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
- Cautious / In Between / Reckless
- Patient / In Between / Impatient
- Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
- Leader / In Between / Follower
- Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
- Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
- Traditional / In Between / Modern
- Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
- Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
- Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
- Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Loumont is the result of a chance meeting between a Gridanian Wood Wailer and an Ishgardian knight as their patrols intersected on the border of Coerthas. Shortly after he was born, however, his father disappeared, and after an extensive search turned up nothing, Bartreaux Lothaire was considered yet another casualty of the Dragonsong War. Jeanette bestowed his family name upon their son in his honor.It was her loss that spurred Loumont toward the life of an adventurer. When she finally succumbed to an incurable illness that had been depriving her of her strength for years, he was stricken with grief and a disenchantment so severe that he fled the verdant canopy of his Gridanian upbringing and toward the arid sands of Thanalan. Perhaps his newfound disregard for his own well-being would give him an advantage in his dangerous new life as an adventurer in a city where nobody knew his name. Ul’dah was also host to the Gladiator’s Guild, a fitting place for a man who had chosen to take up the sword and shield despite being raised in a society built on lances and bows.Suffice to say, things out in the desert turned out a little more complicated than he expected. While he’ll never understand why Hydaelyn decided to choose him, of all people, to bestow her blessing upon, he willingly joins the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and supports their cause wholeheartedly. After facing more than any of them could have ever imagined, their friendship is invaluable.He knew little and less of Ishgard before going there, as his mother rarely talked about his father, but after the events of the Dragonsong War, the city was so dear to him that he thinks of it as home and often remarks that his heart resides there. The members of House Fortemps are considered the family he never had, and perhaps in another life, if certain events had unfolded differently, he would have been part of that family by eternal bond.He sees himself as a broken man, though one who is slowly but steadily on the mend as he allows himself to be loved by the people around him. While it seems like the realm still balances on the brink of chaos no matter what he and his fellow Scions do, he has sworn an oath to himself to ever forge ahead. Even when his sword arm shakes and his shield feels like it bears the weight of the world, not once does he ever think of walking away. He will raise his blade in defense of the land and her people until he is physically unable to.[The 'RP version' of Loumont is largely the same, though is simply a Scion adjacent adventurer and not, you know, THE Warrior of Light.]
- Favorite food: Eggs and toast, soups, buuz, fancy cakes
- Favorite mount: Company chocobo
- Favorite minion: Fenrir pup, griffin hatchling
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Nicknames: Lou, also "my son" and "tallboy" OOC
- None of this registers as any bravery or heroism on his part. All the fighting, the traversing the whole of Eorzea and beyond, mending the land torn asunder by chaos – He is, according to himself, just doing what any decent person would do for the sake of his friends and the rest of the world.
- He’s quite fond of chocobos, and will not hesitate to compliment the birds of fellow adventurers while speaking very proudly of his own. He is more than happy to indulge in friendly races.
- He is hopelessly romantic. His romantic partners will be drowned in flowery words and affection.
- He is his own worst critic and is genuinely surprised by any sort of compliment from anyone. Mistakes are difficult to recover from.
- Steadily learning that loneliness and despair cannot be drowned out, with pints of ale or otherwise. Probably shouldn’t be left on his own for too long, but he’ll never admit when he’s struggling.
- Nor will he readily tell anyone of the fear that washes over him and threatens to drown him before every major battle.For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.